Staff and students from Clarkson Community High School collaborated with researchers from University of Western Australia in a world first longitudinal study to investigate the effects of screen use on adolescent mental health over time.

Clarkson Community High School is proud to release our 2020-22 Strategic Plan developed in partnership with teachers, students and the local community.

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The Visible Learning mindframes provide a coherent approach to simultaneously improve learning outcomes and student wellbeing. At Clarkson, Invitational Education (IE) provides a framework for making other theories work. The most significant driver of school reform is teachers' thinking. Teachers' understanding of intentionality helps make them consciously skilled.

As a caring community school, we are continually looking at research to determine how to best provide positive outcomes for our students.

Since the release of the first Clarkson CHS Learning Journey document in March 2011 and the Learning Journey 2 document in November 2017, a number of conditions have changed which impact the school. However, the overall vision that encompasses decision making processes has not changed, as it is founded on what Clarkson CHS's Senior Leadership Team believe are fundamental truths about working with people in an educational setting.

To download the latest Learning Journey 3 document please visit this link

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